Beautiful Joi

Just Another Beauty Fighting The Beast of Insecurity…

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Who Are You?


Who are you? 

When you close your eyes at night who lies beneath your skin, who swims into the depths of your soul? 

Are you an adulterer? A liar or a cheat? Are you a racists? A good husband baby daddy mommy? Are you a lazy overachiever? Do you sit in front of the pulpit at church yet still remain a non believer?

Who are you? When you open your eyes and rise… Do wish to lay back down and press the reset button? Only to do it all again in the morning… 

When does living begin? When does life welcome the sun set or are you working too hard, and you forget that there are more than flowers to smell, how about granny’s peach cobbler baking on a Sunday afternoon with cinnamon and spices. Or the smell or the crisp winter air when you first step outside. 

Who are you and who are you living your life for or through? 

-Shakira Joi🌹a467243fde460ed928abc1f53151c8c8