Beautiful Joi

Just Another Beauty Fighting The Beast of Insecurity…

Love Letters

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Dear Lover,

I’ve fallen in love with a white wine called, “Mommy’s Time Out…” It’s a Pinot Grigio and boy is it smooth. I sip it slow sometimes, but I feel it… Tonight, I feel sexy and nice…IMG_2075

I imagine a time when I’m in true love again… I imagine what that will feel like to be desired by someone who knows me inside out, and not from my outsides in. I want to be nervous around him, but comfortable enough to giggle and to be my silly confident clumsy self. I don’t want to dumb myself down to make him comfortable, I want him to get me and to understand my metaphorical way of speaking. And if he doesn’t, I want him to be brave enough to say, “Wait… what?!?” but then, I want him to try to pick my words apart, like a small puzzle to his heart. I’m not that complicated, but I’m so very deep and there are layers to me like a painting being restored to its natural state, and he needs to be patient.

I want him to see me… Not watching, not wondering, but to actually see me. I’m not damaged goods, I’m a Goddess, I’m light, I carry a lot on my shoulders, but it never drags me down. I shine, at times I dim my light, so that others may shine and be seen, but for him, I glow in the dark. I’m his light at the end of the tunnel calling him forward. Does he see me? I see him…

Does he see me? Because I need to to see him…


Your Beautiful Joi


Author: S.WL

As a writer I believe that every word holds its own story, it's up to us to let it be read and to let it be written... My Life is not too complex!!! I'm an Entrepreneurial screenplay writer, Spoken Word Artist, and Motivational Speaker. I don't believe in chasing dreams... I believe that you have to take them... The goal of this blog is to inspire, entertain, at times to vent, and to help my readers gain insight into the questions we have as women. Men you might just learn a lil somethin...

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