Beautiful Joi

Just Another Beauty Fighting The Beast of Insecurity…

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Love Letters

Dear Lover,

I’ve fallen in love with a white wine called, “Mommy’s Time Out…” It’s a Pinot Grigio and boy is it smooth. I sip it slow sometimes, but I feel it… Tonight, I feel sexy and nice…IMG_2075

I imagine a time when I’m in true love again… I imagine what that will feel like to be desired by someone who knows me inside out, and not from my outsides in. I want to be nervous around him, but comfortable enough to giggle and to be my silly confident clumsy self. I don’t want to dumb myself down to make him comfortable, I want him to get me and to understand my metaphorical way of speaking. And if he doesn’t, I want him to be brave enough to say, “Wait… what?!?” but then, I want him to try to pick my words apart, like a small puzzle to his heart. I’m not that complicated, but I’m so very deep and there are layers to me like a painting being restored to its natural state, and he needs to be patient.

I want him to see me… Not watching, not wondering, but to actually see me. I’m not damaged goods, I’m a Goddess, I’m light, I carry a lot on my shoulders, but it never drags me down. I shine, at times I dim my light, so that others may shine and be seen, but for him, I glow in the dark. I’m his light at the end of the tunnel calling him forward. Does he see me? I see him…

Does he see me? Because I need to to see him…


Your Beautiful Joi
