Beautiful Joi

Just Another Beauty Fighting The Beast of Insecurity…

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Show Love & Have Faith

20130616-163546.jpgLove is kind, it’s unconditional, it does not boast or judge.

We humans are conditioned and designed simply to love one another; however, in this world and its system of things that seems to be close to impossible to do just that one simple thing… Just show love. Like God, Love is everlasting, it can overcome any circumstance, withstand the test of time. Even the nastiest and meanest person has love within them, or they somehow have managed to hide and bury this feeling so deep within themselves that they’ve forgotten how to show love.

Love is forgiving, as we all continue to walk throughout this life, it’s important to walk with faith and forgiveness. 20130616-163703.jpgWe do not know what trials or tribulations the next person is facing or carrying with them on a daily basis. We don’t even know if their load is slowly killing them eternally. We only see the surface. In this life, our materials, possessions, positions and even titles have us blinded and confused. We’re not better than the next person because of the amount of money we have or the amount of education we’ve received. We are intelligently simple beings of flesh and bones made from dust perfectly created. Don’t let your status in life deceive you into believing that you’re better than the person next to you or down the street from you.

It is the paths we choose in life that create our own personal world, and how we treat the people we meet throughout this journey that will define us. No two paths are the same, it is the lessons learned from this journey not the destination that make us who we are, and that is the difference…

I simply advise you to show love & have Faith


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5 Tips For The Monday Blues

Did you know that most people who have heart attacks, have them Monday morning on their way to work or while getting ready for work.

In fact, most people who experience bouts of depression find themselves having anxiety attacks late Sunday night.

Lets be honest, Mondays, are no ones favorite day of the week. It’s certainly not a walk in the park if your work week begins on Monday or if you’re at a job that you hate. No need to fret, I’m here to shed some light humor on your Monday.

Just follow these few steps:

Step 1- Pretend it’s another day of the week. And when you’re at work keep saying, “TGIF!!! I’m so glad it’s Friday, aren’t you?” No need to wait for a response. Simply skip away back to your office or desk.

Step 2- Indulge in your favorite caffeinated or healthy beverage prior to going to work.“Mines is anything Starbucks and or a Homemade Fresh fruit Smoothie.”

Step 3- Wear a nice bright color to lighten your mood. Studies have shown that wearing brighter colors helps to improve the mood.

Step 4– Plan a nice dinner or date on Monday night, so that you have something to look forward to other than simply getting off from work. Try to even schedule some sort of fitness class like, Kickboxing or Zumba.

Step 5- At least try one of the above and or Repeat one of the steps above…

Before you know it, you’ll be halfway through your week!