Beautiful Joi

Just Another Beauty Fighting The Beast of Insecurity…

Organic & Natural Hair Product Review

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Spring is in the air… Have you chosen the best hair care regimen yet? How about those products, have you decided which one works best for your hair type? Share your thoughts…

Beautiful Joi

Recognize any of the following hair products???

As a Natural Hair Enthusiast I always look at the ingredients of the hair products I buy; then if at all possible I do the sniff test. I like products that smell good enough to eat; two of my favorite scents are Coconut & Lavender.

A lot of products claim to be Organic; as well as, nourishing and healthy for natural hair. Then if it’s not full of junk and a whole bunch of things I can’t pronounce, I may actually buy it.

Here is my review: The product with the worst ingredients is “Organic Root Olive Oil” not so organic… Here are the Pros: smells good, holds the curls, but it DRIES OUT THE HAIR… I’ve learned that the more ingredients within a product the less organic the product. I counted nearly 35-40 different ingredients, and one of the main ingredients…

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Author: S.WL

As a writer I believe that every word holds its own story, it's up to us to let it be read and to let it be written... My Life is not too complex!!! I'm an Entrepreneurial screenplay writer, Spoken Word Artist, and Motivational Speaker. I don't believe in chasing dreams... I believe that you have to take them... The goal of this blog is to inspire, entertain, at times to vent, and to help my readers gain insight into the questions we have as women. Men you might just learn a lil somethin...

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