Beautiful Joi

Just Another Beauty Fighting The Beast of Insecurity…

Word Is Bond…


Photo on 4-28-12 at 6.29 PMOne of my favorite aspirations has always been “my word is bond” and for a long time this held true to me and in my life. I would never say or make a promise to myself or anyone and then fail at going through with it. However, over the years this small aspiration of mines fell to the waist side, after coming across and dealing with folk who could care less as to whether their words held power once spoken or not. I found myself agreeing to and promising things I knew that I would not be able to see through until the end, or maybe I just didn’t try hard enough. Whatever the case may be my word was no longer a bond; thereby, I was no longer a person of my word. Sure I was and still am trust worthy, but do I hold up my end of the bargain.

So one of my main focuses for the month of April will be to reaffirm this aspiration to myself before anyone else; after all, if I can’t be a person of my word to myself who then can my words hold true to?

Author: S.WL

As a writer I believe that every word holds its own story, it's up to us to let it be read and to let it be written... My Life is not too complex!!! I'm an Entrepreneurial screenplay writer, Spoken Word Artist, and Motivational Speaker. I don't believe in chasing dreams... I believe that you have to take them... The goal of this blog is to inspire, entertain, at times to vent, and to help my readers gain insight into the questions we have as women. Men you might just learn a lil somethin...

3 thoughts on “Word Is Bond…

  1. Amen….what a great placer to start.

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