Beautiful Joi

Just Another Beauty Fighting The Beast of Insecurity…


What’s Love???


What is Love?

Is it a feeling or an emotion that moves us to believe that anything in life is possible with a particular person? By anything, I mean every goal we can imagine within our being ever happening.

Does true love mean pain?

It has been said that only someone you truly love can cause you to relate to emotional pain and turmoil? But I still don’t see how pain equates to love… Although, I do believe that love hurts when it’s suddenly taken away from us, or when we find out that the person we’re head-over-heels in love with doesn’t feel the same way. This type of love does hurt, but it only tells me that it wasn’t meant to be with this person, and they’re not deserving of my love.

Over the years I’ve been in what I’ve believed was love more than 3 times. Similar to the average female who constantly daydreams about the “fairytale type of love“. I thought that love would be beautiful, and sing me to sleep at night, so that I might wake in the morning to my life of a loving transient dream. Love isn’t like this at all… Love makes you grow-up fast, it makes your choices and decisions more clouded, Love is often confused with lust or infatuation.

I believe that true love makes us feel high, makes our hearts and minds sing, no melody is needed. I believe that when our love is near, any and everything seems possible with them by our sides and in our lives. When you are in love and it’s reciprocated life is beautiful, they can do no wrong, even their flaws look right or at least tolerable. True love shows you hope everyday, and when you’re away from this person even for a few hours, it seems like an eternity. They make your world go round, they make life worth living, worth breathing, worth dreaming again just in case if you’ve forgotten how to dream. They’re there to help you paint this picture.

With all this said, it’s important to know that love is real and can be obtained in time with patience. Some have given up because their genuine love for someone else has been abused and or tainted by physical means and selfishness. It’s normal to feel this way, but we have to know that our true love, our soul mates are out there and they’re waiting for love to awaken them and to breath air into their lives… Some of them don’t and won’t even know it until they meet you… Suddenly, it makes sense why it never worked out with no one else. When you find love, enjoy them, love them up and show it every chance you get… You won’t even have to say the “L-word”, for your love will exude from your inner being unto them… Enjoy it!



My Guide To Wig Shopping… It’s Officially Wig Season!!!


I’m claiming the next 6-8 weeks Wig Season!!! Why? Because it’s cold outside, and I don’t have time to do as much as I normally would do to my hair. As many of you know I have natural hair. Before I go on I feel that it’s important to define what natural hair is…

What it means to be natural: Natural means, when your hair has not been altered in any way by any chemical… i.e. when you color your hair, or use a texturizer or a hair softener. This is altering the natural state of your hair thereby meaning it’s not natural. So wearing a wig is okay and it doesn’t take away from the natural state of your hair. With that out of the way let’s get down to business…

The wearing of wigs has been a longtime accessory for women and even men… It’s important not to think of wearing a wig as being phony or fake, you don’t love yourself any less because you’ve chosen to wear a wig. Think of wearing a wig as you would wear a piece of jewelry. You’re simply accessorizing your look.

How To Go Wig Shopping & What To Look For: Everyone’s head size, face and shape is different, so you have to look for what best suits and compliments your features. This includes choosing the best color to compliment your skin tone and complexion. Be prepared to try on multiple wigs until you find the one or two that are right for you.


What to look for when shopping & things to take into Consideration:

  1. Is my forehead too big for this particular style? It’s important to try and disguise any flaws. Look for a wig that has hair covering the forehead, this will help in minimizing it.
  2. Is this way too much hair on my head? Sure, wigs come in all lengths and textures, but having too much hair maybe more of a hassle when doing regular things like working or shopping. Additionally, wigs with more hair are hot and may cause you to sweat more than normal. Therefore, if you’re not used to having a lot of hair you’ll constantly be pulling the hair to the back and or side; otherwise, “work it girl”.
  3. Is this color for me? Okay, I did mention that we can choose all kinds of colors, but lets be sensible. Are you getting this wig for work and or everyday or is it for a costume party?

How To Prepare & Protect Your Hair from wearing the Wig:

  1. If you have a lot of hair you need to gently cornrow or twist it towards the back of your head.
  2. Wear a wig cap over your own hair; this will protect it.
  3. Keep your hair and scalp hydrated and moisturized as needed, and gently massage the scalp.
  4. Only wear the wig when necessary, give your head and hair a break/breather.
  5. If the wig has adjustable straps, keep them adjusted comfortably to your head so it’s not too tight or hurting your edges and or temples.
  6. DON’T USE GLUE with Lace front wigs… If you have edges or a nice hairline, it’s best to put as little stress on them as possible. There is nothing, I repeat Nothing healthy or safe about putting glue anywhere on your body let alone on your head, or in your hair or skin. It’s simply not worth the risk… The following picture is my hair prior to putting on a wig with braids.
Natural My Mane...

My  Mane...

Benefits in Wearing A Wig:

  1. It’s Quick!
  2. You can choose any color you like without actually dying your own hair.
  3. You can choose any Length without having to cut your hair or having to wait for it to grow.
  4. You’ll have a brand new look within minutes.
  5. Gives your hair a break.
  6. Saves you money from having to visit the salon.

Now that you know what to look for, here is what I chose… As Always Remember to Share, Comment and give Feedback

20130127-223106.jpg“NOT A GOOD LOOK…” He said.

“I Like this one…” He smiled.


20130127-223036.jpgThis is the One I Chose... I Spruced it up a bit with some jewelry…